How can you take action?
donate your time
We are always in need of adult and youth volunteers to serve, sort and stock for the pantry. Time served at the pantry may count towards community service hours for high school and middle school students in both public and private schools. Community service clubs, sports teams, high school clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other organizations are encouraged to inquire for group projects or activities outside of the normal pantry operation. We highly encourage corporate team building and adult service groups to find a place to share their time and talent at the pantry. We are committed to serving our community and need community support on all levels. Visit our ONLINE SIGN UP for volunteer opportunities.
Interested in bringing a group to volunteer? Contact us at
Is your organization interested in holding a can food drive for the Community Food Pantry? You're awesome! Click here to fill out an interest form and we'll get back to you soon to help you finalize the details of your food drive.
Monetary donations made to the Community Food Pantry help get food on the table to those right here in the Tampa Bay community. We are able to purchase food from Feeding Tampa Bay, allowing your dollar to go even further. Donations can be made online by clicking here or in person at our office located at 13115 S Village Dr, Tampa FL 33618, Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm.
What Does Your Donation Provide Others?
$50 500 meals to help fill the food gap for the families struggling to make ends meet $100 Runs our refrigerated trailer generator for 4 weeks $250 Provides children at risk of not eating with one week of food backpacks for school
$750 Funds supply costs for one month for the pantry for all sorted and bagged items
$5,000 Sponsors our truck for one year that hauls 30,000 pounds of food per week
Priceless BECOME A MONTHLY CONTRIBUTOR AND PROVIDE HOPE & NUTRITION TO families year-round! (When you check out please sign up to be a monthly donor, your gift is 100% tax-deductible).
Will you consider being a monthly donor to the Community Food Pantry?
Community service hours are not given in lieu of monetary or in-kind donations.
We distribute 16,000 pounds of groceries a week - averaging nearly 65,000 pounds monthly through the Community Food Pantry. The most needed items in the pantry are non perishable items such as cereals and breakfast items, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, canned meats, peanut butter, canned vegetables and fruits, dried beans, pasta, rice, and macaroni and cheese. All donations must be unopened, in original packaging, and unexpired. Donations can be made in the office Monday-Thursday 9 am – 3 pm or on Sundays from 12:30pm – 2:30pm.